When you finish your PCB, you can output the Fabrication Files(gerber file) via: File Generate PCB Fabrication File(Gerber), or Fabrication PCB Fabrication File(Gerber). After clicking, will open the Gerber generate dialog: You can calculate the price for the PCB order, click SAVE to CART will go to JLCPCB and add your PCB in the cart. This article looks at reverse-engineering a PCB layout directly from CAM files loaded into Altium Designer's CAM Editor (CAMtastic®). After importing CAM data into a CAM document, you will notice that the Export to PCB option is grayed-out, regardless of the current CAM Editor mode (CAM or NC). Once you are happy with your traces, double-check the routes, and save the PCB file. Step 4: 3D Preview and Gerber Files. You can see how the product will look after production before generating the PCB files (also known as Gerber files).
Open Pcb File Online Gratis
GerbMagic emphasizes on accuracy and high resolution.
Pcb File Types
What's New : In Version 3.4: Main Features: Rasterization from Gerber and Protel ASCII PCB to TIFF, BMP and RID formats at extremely high resolution. Up to 30,000 DPI has been tested with excellent performance. Fully supports RS-274X standard, including G36/G37 polygon, arch, step&repeat, and custom D codes. You can group a lot of files into a single page in WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get) fashion. You can move, rotate, flip horizontally, flip vertically, toggle negative/positive polarity of, and duplicate any file on the page. You can measure the distance between two points on the screen. Supports both imperial and metric coordinates. Zoom in/out based on the cursor position (Keyboard: +/- ). Unlimited file size. Unlimited number of layers Supports error correction. Some plotters may not be accurate enough. To correct such plotters' errors, the images on the page can be twisted or zoomed by a very small factor before they are plotted. See GerbMagic's manual for more details. |