Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Fly

  1. Console commands Console commands are short lines of code to use in the console to change variables in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The console can only be accessed on PC versions of the game using the key (if not it is the key found just under Esc in the top left).
  2. I can't stop playing open-world RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance, but its not without its eccentricities. Archery is one area that players have been calling for improvement and, predictably, modders.

Dragon Age Inquisition is one of those games where you can always use a bit of extra help. And what’s better than using a few cheats to make things easier every now and then?

DefaultCheats.ini contains plenty of Command Sets - console commands grouped to named sets, managed by 'XComGame.upk.XComCheatManager. (See wiki article ConsoleCommands-XCOM:EU2012.) Command Sets functionality is similar to the exec Filename.txt command, but they cannot be changed on the fly like commands in text files.

Compared to other games, the list of available console commands is rather short. But, hey, it’s still better than nothing.

Without any further ado, let’s get right into it.

How to Enable The Game Console

Some people said that the console was enabled by default while others found that they couldn’t get access to it until enabling it. Maybe it has something to do with the patch version that you’re running.

In any case, we’re going to mention how to enable it. Just to be safe.

  1. Create a shortcut of the .EXE file
  2. Right-click on it
  3. Select “Properties”
  4. And on the target field, add “– enabledeveloperconsole”

After that, the target field should appear like this: C:Program Files (x86)Dragon Age 2bin_shipDragonAgeInquitiion.exe – enabledeveloperconsole. Of course. that’s unless the game is installed on another drive. In which case, “C” will be replaced with the drive that the game is installed in and “Program Files (x86)” will be replaced with the current directory.

Once that’s done, just open the game and click on the “~” button on your keyboard to launch the console, insert the command of your choice, and that’s about it.

Dragon Age Inquisition Console Commands

These commands are only meant to be used for the PC version in order to unlock the FPS, enable VSync, and things like that. We’ve added a few notes to the ones that are more likely to be useful. So, keep an eye out for them.







GameTime.MaxVariableFPS (This is the one you need for unlocking the framerate)


Render.ResolutionScale (This can be used to incrase or decrease the screen resolution)



WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable (Enables motion blur. Generally not recommended. But, it’s a matter of personal taste)












RenderDevice.Dx11Enable (Switches to DX11 which is more or less the standard shader nowadays)


Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Fly


RenderDevice.VSyncEnable (Enables VSync)

RenderDevice.TrippleBufferingEnable 1 (Enables Triple-Buffering. Do keep in mind that your computer needs to produce more FPS than your screen’s refresh rate at all times or you’ll face terrible stutters)

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Fly

RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 2 (Force rendering only 2 frames ahead)





Perfoverlay.DrawGraph 1 (Shows Performance Graph)


Kingdom Come Deliverance Money Cheat

Perfoverlay.DrawFPS 1 (Shows your FPS on-screen)



Screenshot.Render (Takes a Screenshot)

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Fly One







Dragon Age Inquisition Cheats and Commands

These are all the commands that you can use to get God Mode status, additional health, money, and more.

runscriptchargen mage: Turn players into a level 2 mage

runscriptchargen warrior: Turn players into a level 2 warrior


runscriptchargen mage: Turn players into a level 2 rogue

runscriptaddxp x: Add XP to your character(s) for quicker leveling up

runscriptaddmoney xx: Add money to your character. xx is the amount of money you want to have in the inventory

runscriptzz_supercrit player: Allow the players to get 50 Strength, 50 Dexterity, 1000 mana, and 1000 health

runscriptkillallhostiles: Eliminates all enemies in the area

runscriptbowlingforferelden: Kill enemies and create a shield surrounding

runscript injury remparty: Get rid of all injuries from your party

runscripthealplayer: Heal the player and his/her party

runscriptpc_immortal: God Mode

Xrunscriptdbg_setattrib x y: 1-minute attribute buff

help: Graphics options

Wrapping Up

It’s highly recommended to perform backups and save your game before starting to play around with commands. It’s not uncommon for games to crash or behave erratically when the wrong command is executed at the wrong time.

As mentioned above, compared to other games, Dragon Age Inquisition doesn’t offer a lot of commands to play with. But, still, that’s better than nothing.

You could always try to get some more options by using something like Cheat Engine. But, that can quickly get tedious and in the end, it’s arguably not worth the trouble.

How to Edit The Game files to Remove The Need of Saviour Schnapps to Save

This guide will show you how to edit the game files to remove the need of Saviour Schnapps to save.

What To Do

If you have any issues during these steps you can look at the pictures for some clarification.

1. Go into your SteamLibrary (this is usually located at C:SteamLibrarysteamappscommon)

2. Navigate to your Kingdom Come installation folder (named KingdomComeDeliverance) and open up the “Data” folder.

3. Take a copy of the “GameData.pak” file in case you make a mistake.

Now for the actual editing you will need a program to open archives with.

4. To open it with 7-ZIP you right-click the “GameData.pak” and select “7-ZIP” > “Open Archive”.

5. Navigate to “LibsUIUIActions” and open up the file called “MM_SaveGame.xml” with any text editor.

6. Scroll down to line 67 where you will see the following: <Inputs SaveType=”2″ OverwriteSaveId=”-1″ UsePotion=”1″ />

7. Change the UsePotion=”1″ to UsePotion=”0″ (simply change the 1 to a 0)

8. Repeat what you just did on step 7 on line 70.

9. Save the file and close it. 7-ZIP will ask if you want to save your changes made to the archive, click “Yes”.

10. Close the archive and start the game.

If anything went wrong simply replace the file with the copied backup, or try verifying the integrity of your game cache in Steam.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands God

You can now use the “Save Game” button in the ESC menu to save without using any potions. Do not drink the potion directly as it will probably be consumed, but of course still save.

Congratulations! You can now save without using the Saviour Schnapps!

Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Reticle Command

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