- Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro 2.exe
- Apowersoft Screen Recorder Exe Recorder
- Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro Crack
Apowersoft Screen Recorder دانلود رایگان نرم افزار Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro نرمافزاری حرفهای با کاربری آسان است که میتوان از آن برای ضبط تصویر و فیلم از صفحهی نمایش و صدای فعالیتها در همان حین، استفاده نمود.
Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro 2.exe
- Apowersoft Screen Recorder دانلود رایگان نرم افزار Apowersoft Screen Recorder Pro نرمافزاری حرفهای با کاربری آسان است که میتوان از آن برای ضبط تصویر و فیلم از صفحهی نمایش و صدای فعالیتها در همان حین، استفاده نمود.
- The same thing is happening to me, the Apowersoft online screen recorder was working fine two days ago but yesterday it kept asking me to download and install every time I clicked “start recording”, even though I already downloaded and installed it.
- Apowersoft screen recorder is a professional web-based tool to record video and audio content simultaneously. You can perform various activities with the use of this software. You can choose the type of audio input, capture screenshots, annotate, etc. Moreover, the application can save the recorded videos in the common MP4 files.

Apowersoft Screen Recorder is a program for recording everything that happens on the screen of your monitor. Saves video in WMV format, can take screenshots in PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIF formats. You are required to click on the Start button after starting and the recording will go, and before that you need to choose whether you want to record the entire screen, only the area you need, only the audio track or capture video transmitted through a web camera.
After the recording has begun, a small panel will be available to you in which you can change some parameters, you can click on pause or stop. After the video is recorded, it will be displayed in the main window of Apowersoft Screen Recorder, where you can view it, rename it, upload it to one of the specialized sites, delete it, and edit it.
As it was written above, Apowersoft Screen Recorder can take screenshots, for this there is a special menu in the interface, I don’t think how to work with this function, it’s very clear. The program interface is multilingual, only there is no Russian support. There are settings, they are few and in general they are clear. I think the program will be useful to you, thanks for your attention!
Developer: Apowersoft
License: ShareWare
Language: Multi
OS: Windows
How to Install:
1). Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.
2). That is all, Done & enjoy.
Write Us if needed:
Apowersoft Screen Recorder Exe Recorder
O programa permite que grave em tela completa, usando uma seção personalizada, ou com a webcam. Usando a primeira opção você gravará tudo em sua tela. A segunda gravará só o que estiver dentro de uma determinada área especificada por si. A última só usa a webcam e só grava o que está à sua frente. Você terá também que escolher se a fonte do áudio será o sistema, o microfone ou ambos.
A versão completa do Apowersoft Sceen Recorder não tem qualquer limite de tempo e por isso poderá gravar horas sem problema. Uma vez feito, poderá mudar o formato do áudio e vídeo.
Finalmente, se quiser gravar algum programa específico ou começar a gravar numa altura específica, pode configurá-lo para que comece automaticamente, o que é muito útil se quiser gravar algo e não estiver por perto. Pode também configurar uma hora para parar de gravar, para que consiga captar só o que precisa. Além de tudo isso, você pode desligar o computador automaticamente uma vez que tenha acabado a gravação.