What Can I Open A Pcb File With

Designer Schematic Capture Binary File; Tina Pro for Windows V6.0+ Package Schematics; Note the File Type. Other programs may be able to open your SCH file, depending on the type of file it is. You can find the file type listed in the file’s properties. On a Windows PC, right-click the file, click 'Properties', then look under β€œType of File.”. As well as providing a guide as to the finished appearance of the PCB - including your choice of solder mask colours - the tool performs various analysis steps which can help ensure that your design doesn't breach any Design For Manufacture (DFM) rules that might prevent it from being manufactured properly. Viewing Gerber Files on EasyEDA.

The table below provides useful information about the .pcb file extension. It answers questions such as:

  • What is the .pcb file?
  • What program do I need to open a .pcb file?
  • How can the .pcb file be opened, edited or printed?
  • How can I convert .pcb files to another format?

Table of Contents

What can i open a pcb file with multiple
  • πŸ”„ .pcb file converters

We hope you find this page helpful and a valuable resource!

2 extension(s) and 0 alias(es) found in database

βœ… Microsoft PowerPoint Data

PCB file is a Microsoft PowerPoint Data. PowerPoint stores all the changes that you make to its menus and toolbars in a PCB file.

Pcb File Format

Category:Other files
Mime-type: application/mspowerpoint
Magic number: -
Sample: -
Microsoft PowerPoint Add-in

What Can I Open A Pcb File Without

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint Wizard Add-in

Microsoft PowerPoint HTML Presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac Toolbar Data

βœ… SmartCAM Custom Control Panel File

PCB file is a SmartCAM Custom Control Panel File. SmartCAM is a suite of Computer-Aided Manufacturing and CAD/CAM software applications that uses toolpath modeling to assist CNC machinists in creating computer-numerically controlled (CNC) programs that direct CNC machine tools.
Category:Data files
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic string: -
PCB aliases:
PCB related links:
PCB related extensions:
SmartCAM Job Operations File

SmartCAM Macro File

SmartCAM Process Model File

SmartCAM Code Generation Template

SmartCAM Connection Settings File

SmartCAM Manufacture File

Other types of files may also use the .pcb file extension.

🚫 The .pcb file extension is often given incorrectly!

According to the searches on our site, these misspellings were the most common in the past year:

cb, cpb, lcb, ocb, pb, pbc, pc, pcf, pcg, pch, pcn, pcv, pdb, pfb, psb

Is it possible that the filename extension is misspelled?

We found the following similar file extensions in our database:

CYANA PDB Coordinate File
Visual Studio Program Database
Protein Data Bank
TealPaint Image Database
PowerBASIC Debugger Data
Plucker Ebook
Ribbons Protein Databank
DL_POLY PDB Trajectory Data

What Can I Open A Pcb File With Irs

Sybase PowerDesigner Physical Data Model Backup
Brookhaven Protein DataBase

πŸ”΄ Can't open a .pcb file?

When you double-click a file to open it, Windows examines the filename extension. If Windows recognizes the filename extension, it opens the file in the program that is associated with that filename extension. When Windows does not recognize a filename extension, you receive the following message:


Windows cannot open this file:
To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it...

If you don't know how to set the .pcb file association, check the FAQ.

πŸ”΄ Can I change the extension of files?

Changing the filename extension of a file is not a good idea. When you change a file's extension, you change the way programs on your computer read the file. The problem is, changing the file extension does not change the file format.

If you have helpful information about the .pcb file extension, write to us!