Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Stats


During the course of the game, Henry will improve his stats, which you can find in the Player tab . These improvements come automatically simply by playing and all can be developed to the maximum. There are no obstacles or situations that would prevent such improvements of selected abilities.

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Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Stats

Dec 18, 2018 Kingdom Come: Deliverance – console commands To access the console commands menu press tilde Subscribe to the VG247 newsletter Get all the best bits of VG247 delivered to your inbox every Friday! Kingdom Come: Deliverance – console commands To access the console commands menu press tilde Subscribe to the VG247 newsletter Get all the best bits of VG247 delivered to your inbox every Friday! While there are a number of console commands for Kingdom Come: Deliverance, they're bit limited in what they let you do in the medieval RPG. Unlike the codes in Skyrim or Fallout 4, Kingdom Come. To use console commands in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, press the key on a keyboard, or the ` tilde key - either way, it's the key found just under Esc in the top left. If it does not work, try using different keys. Here is a list of known commands. This list needs expanding and help is wanted.

With levelling-up of the stats, you will get the option to select one of the perks that in some way improves an ability or changes the way it functions. You can select the perks in the Player tab .

There are four primary stats:

StrengthStrength defines how well Henry can handle physical challenges. Greater strength makes it possible to wield heavier weapons and wear heavier armour. Each level-up also significantly increases the capacity of your inventory. Strength is the basic stat influencing Henry’s combat ability and combat, in turn, also increases strength.
AgilityAgility is a measure of speed, movement and dexterity. A more agile character can not only move faster, but also more easily evade attacks, fight more skilfully with demanding weapons, such as a sabre, and shoot better with a bow. Archery, like other forms of combat, increases agility.
VitalityVitality influences the character’s endurance – how much wounding he can endure, how long he can sprint and how often he needs to eat or sleep. With increased vitality, stamina and its speed of regeneration also grow. You can train your vitality by running, overcoming physical obstacles and demanding combat.
SpeechSpeech determines the character’s rhetorical skill and eloquence. The more Henry talks to people, the more eloquent he becomes. Becoming a better speaker means you can avoid conflicts before they even start, your haggling is more efficient and you can disarm someone by argument who you wouldn’t be able to beat in combat.

Console commands are short lines of code to use in the console to change variables in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The console can only be accessed on PC versions of the game using the key (if not it is the key found just under Esc in the top left). The base game features several console commands, but some of the most useful ones were removed shortly after release. In order to use them, you.

There are also derivative stats:

CharismaCharisma is a measure of how you can impress people. Fast talk will get you only that far, fancy clothes and ornaments can give you that extra bit of stature you need.
VisibilityVisibility is the opposite of camouflage. It tells you how easy you are to spot. This is not the same thing as conspicuousness: a pitch-dark garb is not much visible, but very conspicuous once spotted. The lower the better; you are invisible once this reach zero
ConspicuousnessConspicuousness is a measure of how you stand out in usual environment; in other words if you warrant a second look from anyone who can see you. It is derived from your clothes. The lower the better; with very low conspicuousness people will mostly ignore you even when spotted.
NoiseThe more Noise you make the more likely you are to be discovered whenever you move. Noise is derived from your clothing and weapons you have equipped.
SpeedSpeed determines how fast you can walk, run and sprint. It is derived from your Agility and your overall encumbrance.

The game also contains buffs and debuffs, which either improve or worsen Henry’s abilities in some way. You can find them in the Player panel in the Buffs tab. The most common include hunger, tiredness, bleeding, drunkenness and overloading.


See also

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